Monday, April 29, 2024

Sack GNPC, ECG & GWC Bosses - Advocacy group tells Gov’t


An advocacy group, United Voices for Change, has demanded the removal of Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) from major state-owned enterprises (SOEs) such as the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC), Ghana Water Company Limited, and Ghana Airport Company.

Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, 23 April 2024, the Convener of UVC, Sylvestin Ronald Antwi, highlighted concerns regarding the financial performance of several state-owned entities.

According to Mr. Antwi, the Ghana Cocoa Board reported losses amounting to GHS161.3 million, GHS78.22 million, GHS320.57 million, GHS426.32 million, and GHS2.44 billion in the years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, respectively. This occurred despite the board recording profits of GHS329.3 million in 2014 and GHS152.15 million in 2015.

Mr. Antwi further highlighted the losses incurred by the Ghana Water Company, which amounted to GHS692.2 million in 2017, GHS667.9 million in 2018, GHS2.6 billion in 2019, and GHS939 million in 2020, despite reporting a profit of GHS101.14 million in 2016.

The ECG also faced scrutiny, with Mr. Antwi revealing a loss of GHS1.914 billion in 2021, following profits of GHS181 million in previous years. In 2018 and 2019, the ECG reported losses of GHS1.47 billion and GHS2.27 billion, respectively.

Similarly, the Ghana Airport Company was accused of consistently reporting losses since 2019, with figures reaching GHS231.34 million in 2019, GHS434.77 million in 2020, and GHS252 million in 2021.

He emphasised that these losses indicate a failure on the part of the CEOs to fulfill their mandate of ensuring profitability and revenue generation for the state.

Speaking to Citi News, Professor Abdul Aziz Iddrisu, the convener and Head of the Department for Banking and Finance at Kumasi Technical University, expressed concern over the declining financial status of SOEs, stressing its adverse effects on national development and economic stability.

The convener stated that “our state-owned enterprises are underperforming; this has drained the country’s resources and plunged the country into underdevelopment and indebtedness. Undisputedly, SOEs are profit-oriented entities and should be making profits.

“Sadly enough, it appears the managers of these enterprises, in key positions, are more loyal to their appointing authorities than to the development of the companies, leading them to deliberately run SOEs at a loss.”

“It is with great urgency backed by verifiable data, facts and figures that we call for the dismissal of the CEOs of the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD), Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC), and Ghana Water Company Limited, and Ghana Airport Company.

“These individuals have presided over a period of financial decline and recklessness and have failed to fulfil their mandates of ensuring profitability and revenue generation for the state.

“We also want the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo, and the Attorney General to ensure that the CEOs of these entities, after being dismissed, face the law.”


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Wednesday, April 24, 2024

NAWSAC Slams NPP Over Alleged Bribery Attempt

 Nationwide Supporters of Alan Cash (NAWSAC) have issued a damning statement denouncing what they claim to be a failed attempt by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to use money to influence the youth away from their support for Alan Kyerematen.

In their press release on Monday, April 22nd 2024, NAWSAC alleged that the NPP has resorted to sneaky methods, including monetary inducements, to undermine Kyerematen's candidacy. They describe these actions as indicative of the NPP's desperation and "awful state."

The group has however not produced any evidence to prove their accusations  of bribery against the NPP

Emphasizing the integrity and conviction of the youth within their movement, NAWSAC asserted their unwavering support for Kyerematen's leadership, refusing to compromise their values for the sake of incompetence and corruption.

NAWSAC further criticizes the NPP's purported celebration of using money to sway young voters, dismissing the influence of those allegedly influenced as lacking credibility and genuine support.

Addressing what they refer to as the "stomach political apparatus," NAWSAC condemns the greed and ignorance of those involved in attempts to undermine their movement, asserting that the youth will not be taken for granted by either the NPP or the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

Concluding their statement with a rallying cry for the youth to prevail in this perceived war against corruption and indifference, NAWSAC expresses blessings for Ghana, the Movement for Change, and Alan Kyerematen.

Read full press statement below:



We are aware of the clandestine operations of the New Patriotic Party toundermine the candidature of Alan Kyerematen. This time in a full display of 'monicracy', there have been blatant attempts to use money as a tool to pull young people from the Movement for Change. This is defining of the awful state of the New Patriotic Party who are forced in their panic mode to stoop so low.

Let us emphasize that the true young people of this Revolution cannot be bought. We the youth are convinced in the leadership of Alan Kyerematen and will not trade our integrity and convictions on the altar of incompetence and corruption. The duopoly of NPP and NDC will no longer be allowed to take young people for granted through disgraceful acts of financial inducement rather than providing solutions for Job creation and opportunities for young people.

The depth of intelligence of the NPP has to be questioned as they are celebrating the fact that they have used money to persuade poster sticking and noise making babies to join them. If the NPP thinks they have made any iota of progress then indeed they must be a laughing stock because the babies they claim to have pulled with money, have zero influence at the edge of the gutters of our structures. They don't even have the mettle to convince their own parents much more the Ghanaian voter.

To you, the stomach political apparatus who have been so cheapened by your greed to think your poster sticking and noise making roles are substantive enough to undermine this revolution, we applaud your ignorance.

NPP and NDC shall no longer take the youth for granted. NPP and NDC cannot buy the conscience of young people with their spoils of corruption. The youth shall win this war!

God bless Ghana! God bless the Movement for Change!! God Bless Alan Kyerematen!!!

Signed: Luther-King Junior


+233 244490487

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Yvonne Nelson: We Need Street Protests Against ‘Dumsor’


Popular Ghanaian actress and producer, Yvonne Nelson, has once again ignited the flames of protest, calling upon the powerful support of IMANI Ghana to join her in a second wave of demonstrations against the country's persistent power outages.

In a tweet dripping with determination, on Monday, April 22, 2024, Nelson recalled their previous success in 2015 when she led several of the country’s celebrities from the arts and entertainment sector and some individuals from Civil Society Organisations to stage a massive street protest against erratic power outages under the John Mahama led government.

With a hint of urgency and frustration, the actress, in her recent tweet,  pleaded with IMANI Ghana to rekindle the magic that made their previous protest a triumph.

“Imani Ghana, can we organize another vigil? I’ve been waiting for you to reach out like you did years back. (your team made our demo a success) I’m reaching out myself. The NPP and its leadership @NAkufoAddo have taken Ghanaians for granted. #DUMSORMUSTSTOP”, she tweeted.

She spoke bluntly, accusing the current government of taking Ghanaians for granted.

The recent power cuts, dubbed 'dumsor' by frustrated Ghanaians, have plunged homes and businesses into darkness, sparking outrage across the nation.

Despite the incumbent government denials, citizens are demanding clear information and a solid plan to fix the problem, with may calling for a load shedding timetable.

As Nelson's rallying cry echoes across social media platforms, it's clear that Ghanaians are fed up with the ongoing power cuts.

Fueling the fire, energy experts have lashed out at the government's mismanagement, adding fuel to Nelson's call for action.

Even Joyce Bawah Mogtari, a trusted aide to former President John Dramani Mahama, couldn't hold back, slamming the current administration for avoiding responsibility.

“These power outages must be condemned especially when those responsible refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions that have led to the consequences we are experiencing.

“Untold hardships, unemployment, corruption and stealing, land grabbing and now complete darkness and a total disregard for our basic needs!

“They rode on the back of propaganda to campaign. Where is the excess of power we didn’t need or require! Can we have it now! Won the election on lies, have governed with lies and propaganda and now trying hard to hoodwink us, the darkness has exposed them.

“This AkufoAddo/Bawumia administration will go down as the worst in the history of this country. Ghana deserves better!”, she took to her X page, commenting on the recent energy crisis in the country.

IMANI responds to Yvonne Nelson

Meanwhile Franklin Cudjoe, the Founding President of IMANI Africa, has expressed support for actress Yvonne Nelson's call to organize a protest.

In response to Nelson's post on her platform, Cudjoe acknowledged her call for a second round of protests, labeling it a fair request.

“We have heard the call by the redoubtable Ms.Yvonne Nelson for round two of #dumsormuststop. Fair call even as we (IMANI) have maintained our criticism of government’s bad decisions for what often seem like a rudderless leadership, the latest dumsor episodes being the zenith.

“So as you can see (T-shirts), we are preparing and we will make the call and choose how we demonstrate and who we want to partner at the right time.

“Meanwhile, others can also organise their own unique protests in churches, mosques, bars, schools and homes .#DUMSORMUSTSTOP”, Franklin Cudjoe replied to her on his Facebook page.

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Monday, April 22, 2024

Majority Leader Tells Ghanaians: Reject Mahama’s Terrible Records …He Has Nothing New To Bring

 The Majority Leader in Ghana’s Parliament, Alexander Afenyo-Markin, has said the country’s future would be worse off if former President John Mahama, now the flag-bearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) wins the December general elections.

According to Afenyo-Markin, addressing a press conference last Friday said not only does former President Mahama seek to return to government with a horrible track record not worth writing home about, but the internal dynamics of the party he represents would most likely land his presidency in crisis from day one.

“Perish the thought; should former President John Mahama becomes President again, he has only one term.  Because of the Constitutional requirements which say he cannot go more than two terms and he has already done a fist term. There would be no sense of urgency. We dare say that from day one, his government would be in crisis because there would be people struggling to be the next leader.

“Ghanaians need a stable government which would focus. We don’t need a government that would start with crisis from day one because they know that President Mahama would not seek a second term so because people know he would not seek a second term, from day one, people would be  jostling for power and that would affect governance”, Afenyo-Markin noted.

Afenyo-Markin questioned the records with which John Mahama seeks to be re-elected into power and said the New Patriotic Party (NPP) offers a better alternative in the person of Vice President Mahamadu Bawumia:

“In Dr. Bawumia, we have a new person coming in with everything at stake knowing that should he be successful, he would have another opportunity so he would have a much more determination to work the extra hard and to introduce new policies.

“He has not distanced himself from the challenges we have faced as a government. He is part of government but he is saying he has his new vision and so far this is what we have done but given the opportunity with new ideas, he can bring something new and he has started with the digitalization policy which is creating a new opportunity for private sector to grow.

“What has the NDC done and what is new on their side? So comparing the NDC and the NPP, one has something at stake and we are saying that Dr. Bawumia offers a better future for this country than former President Mahama”, the Majority Leader who doubles as the Member of Parliament for the Effutu Constituency in the Central Region added.

Here are excerpts of a transcript from the press briefing addressed by Afenyo-Markin:

“The NDC has not changed since 2016 when they lost the elections by over one million votes. The only thing that has changed is their running mate. Even so, the running mate was part of the government and she was the main advisor on educational policy, who advised the government to the effect that Free SHS was not possible.

“It is the same old team from the flag-bearer through to the running mate to all their former ministers, some in Parliament, some outside, their communicators who still find space in the media criticizing our government and promising a new Heaven. It is important to remind all of us that these same people while in office made certain profound statements as to what they could do and what they could not do

“We need emphasize that they were clear on their minds that vulnerable people who would benefit from Free SHS was indeed impossible. They were loud and clear on that.

“When the NPP assumed office in 2017, without delay, the Free SHS policy was implemented just for the records. We have since had enrolment increasing by 75 percent. In terms of numbers, we have had 800,000 plus getting access from the beginning up to 1,400,000 now of Ghanaian children on Secondary school for free. Majority of them from vulnerable homes that could not have afforded if it were a fee paying policy

 “Across the country, this government has so far completed 747 structures in dromedaries, classroom blocks to support the implementation of this policy. Yes we have challenges but largely, we have been successful in this project. 

 “We recall that somewhere  in 2015, when Ghanaians were calling for a reduction in utility tariffs particularly  electricity, the then President Mahama, currently the flag-bearer of the NDC said the cost of production of electricity was so high that there was no way government  would reduce electricity tariffs.

“It is true that Ghanaians are complaining of electricity tariffs and the cost of living is high but if the NDC was in power, considering their posture in government at the time, the situation would have been worse.

Comparatively, the NDC is not a party to be trusted from its flag-bearer to all its operatives. They were the same old stuck the appointors and his appointees have not changed.  As at now, all they do is to criticize and mislead Ghanaians with the view of getting power.

“They have not put in place alternatives to say this is what they left behind, this is what the NPP is doing and this is what they can do better. As we speak, the NDC has not put out an alternative in terms of policy. We want to emphasize that in spite of all the challenges that Ghanaians face we have not left them naked. We walked the talk, we implemented rebate on electricity tariffs and we have been cautious of tariffs increment. Even during COVID we ensured that lifeline consumes had free electricity and we had up to 50 percent reduction for others during the COVID."

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Gospel Musician KODA Passes Away

 Famous gospel musician Kofi Owusu Dua Anto, also known as Koda has tragically passed away at age 46.

Sources close to the musician confirmed the news that the popular gospel artiste and producer succumbed to a short illness in the early hours of Sunday, April 21 “KODA has passed onto glory in the early hours of Sunday April 21, 2024.”

Further details suggest that the award- winning, talented artiste had been battling kidney disease for an extended period.

It is anticipated that the family will soon provide details regarding the cause of his illness and funeral arrangements.

Kofi Owusu Dua Anto, widely known as KODA, was a prominent Ghanaian gospel artist, songwriter, music producer, and talented instrumentalist hailing from Takoradi in Ghana's Western Region.

Renowned for his significant contributions to Ghana's contemporary gospel music scene, KODA garnered numerous awards for his impactful music and unwavering commitment to spreading the gospel message.

Beyond his own musical endeavors, he left an indelible mark by producing music for respected artists such as the late Danny Nettey, Ps. Joe Beechem, Nii Okai, Halal Afrika, Eugene Zuta, among others.

His legacy continues to shape the direction of gospel music in Ghana.

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Thursday, April 18, 2024

Academic City Introduces New MSc Program in Data Science and Analytics

As part their educational initiatives, Academic City University College has launched MSc in Data Science and Analytics program on Wednesday, April 17th, 2024, reaffirming their commitment to delivering top-notch education in response to the needs of the modern world.

Hosting the launch at the university campus inside Haatso, President of Academic City, Prof. Fred McBagonluri, expressed his overwhelmed excitement at the school’s ability to finally launch the course despite numerous challenges.

“Today marks a pivotal moment in our journey towards innovation and progress. It is with great pleasure and excitement that we gather here to celebrate the launch of our new venture into the realm of data science and analytics”, he stated.

In his address, Prof. McBagonluri highlighted the importance of data science and analytics for Ghana and the entire African continent. He underscored the recent efforts by the Ghanaian government, particularly through the National Identification Authority (NIA), to emphasize the critical role of data collection.

Advocating for the registration of newborn babies, Prof. McBagonluri emphasized the importance of providing them with Ghana Cards from birth. This move aligns with the broader goal of enhancing data collection and management in the country.

The Ministry of Education expressed their approval by commending the university for its outstanding contribution to the country's educational advancement.

According to the speech by Hon. Yaw Adutwum, investing in programmes such as the MSc in Data Science and Analytics, is not only preparing students for today's jobs but also equipping them with the skills and knowledge to shape tomorrow's jobs.

“As we look to the future, it is clear that the demand for skilled data scientists and analysts will only continue to grow. Organisations across all sectors are increasingly relying on data-driven insights to inform their decision-making processes and drive innovation,” he stated.

The event brought together diverse participants from corporate, academia, and students, as well as education and youth empowerment enthusiasts.

Bringing the launch to an end, the Department Coordinator for Computational Science and Informatics also the MC for the launch pleaded with the representative for the Ministry of Education, Francis K. E. Nunoo as well as data analytic experts to open their doors by collaborating with the university, providing data and also coming as guest lecturers to enlighten the students in field of Data Science and Analytics.

Speaking to the media, Professor Francis K. E. Nunoo, the Director for Tertiary Education highlighted the importance of education in a country’s development especially in a technology driven world.

He underscored that the Ministry is thrilled to partner with Academic City in launching the Data Science and Analytics program because it will contribute to government efforts to make Ghana more ICT-driven, technology-driven, and data-driven.

“The ministry so happy to partner with Academic city in launching this programme, because it is going to contribute to government efforts, make Ghana more ICT driven, more technology driven, more data-driven.

As Africans have we have been a little slow when they come to technology skills and the time for us to run with it is now.

This programme that Academic City is doing is a wonderful one, it’s directly into the government vision and fits into a national vision to grow this economy and this is wonderful” he added.

The MSc in Data Science program at Academic City aims to develop expertise in widely used analytics tools, foster independent problem-solving abilities in business contexts using analytics and data science.

It also focuses on comprehending the applications and implications of data science across industries, extracting strategic business insights from data, building predictive models for future trends, and gaining a substantial understanding of industry applications in data science and analytics portfolios.



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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

15 Years Jail Term …For Ex MSALOC Boss & Chief Operator Officer

Sedina Tamakloe Attionu, former Chief Executive of the Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC) and Daniel Axim, the organisation’s former Chief Operating Officer were yesterday sentenced to 10 and 5 years of imprisonment with hard labor respectively.

The two accused allegedly stole GHC3,198,280 in total while at MASLOC and willfully caused financial loss worth GHC1,973,780 to the state.

In the pursuit of justice, the Accra High Court convicted the two on 78 counts, including causing financial loss to the state, theft, conspiracy, money laundering, and damaging public property, in violation of public procurement laws(the Public Procurement Act)

The trial began in 2019 and continued until February 24, 2023, when the court approved the prosecution's request to proceed with the trial in Attionu's absence. She had been allowed to go to the United States for medical treatment in 2021, but she did not return.

SedinaTamakloe Attionu, identified as the primary defendant, and Daniel Axim, a former operations manager at MASLOC, were confronting court charges related to allegations of theft and inflicting a financial loss on the state, amounting to GHC93 million among other offenses.

While leading MASLOC, Ms. Tamakloe Attionu and her associate were accused of making unauthorized commitments, burdening the government with financial obligations amounting to GHC61,735,832.50.

Additionally, they face charges related to a loss of GHC22,158,118.85 to public property, improper payments totaling GHC273,743.66, and money laundering amounting to GHC3,704,380, all allegedly occurring during their tenure at MASLOC.


Meanwhile, the Deputy Attorney General Alfred Tuah-Yeboah has described the court’s decision as “good news” and “ refreshing is that she will be brought down to face the sentence, no problem at all.”

Tuah-Yeboah continued: “We have started the process but with this judgment, it’s going to speed up the process. You know in Ghana we have various laws. You can choose to stay away but so far as we have laws for which you can extract from other countries to Ghana, in case there is a judgment against you like this one, be rest assured that she will be brought down to face judgment,” 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Road accident is highly preventable - Samuel Ayeh-Paye

Former Member of Parliament (MP) for Ayensuano constituency, Samuel Ayeh-Paye has cautioned drivers to drive carefully since road accidents are highly preventable.

Speaking on road related issues on the radio show Kwantenpon on NEAT FM, if drivers prioritize meticulousness behind the wheel, it will significantly reduce the country's road accident rate.

According to him, research has revealed that 90% of road accidents result from human error, a statistic that should not be overlooked.

He emphasized the impact of poor road designs on the increasing number of accidents, mentioning that despite filing numerous complaints with the Ghana Highways Authority, no action has been taken thus far. Advising both drivers and passengers to observe all driving protocols to be on the safer side, Hon. Ayeh-Paye underscored the need of proper and frequent maintenance of vehicles, driving within the required speed range and wearing of passengers sit belt is important.

He stated that the primary focus of the Drive and Vehicle License Authority (DVLA) should not be revenue generation but rather road safety, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing this mandate.

“DVLA’s call mandate is not revenue but rather road safety, we won’t applaud them because they have raised billions of revenues while deaths as a result from road accident keeps on increasing. We will only praise them when accidents are reducing”, he stated.

Addressing concerns raised by vehicle engineers regarding inferior spare parts, most especially the brand new parts, the former Transport Manager for the Accra Metropolitan Assembly emphasized that it is the responsibility of the Ghana Standards Authority to see to it that the spare parts coming into the country are durable or not.

“How many times has the Ghana Standards Authority tested some of these parts to see how strong or durable these parts are?

“It is the responsibility of the Ghana Standards Authority to see to it that these parts are not inferior”, he emphasized.

He emphasized the need for the government to ensure that certain spare parts are manufactured within the country. This will minimize the import rate of these most commonly needed spare parts.

“Some imported car spare parts have expiring dates on them, others too cannot last in our weather conditions. It is advisable we start manufacturing our own parts”, he said.

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Sunday, April 14, 2024

Ukraine Opens Embassy in Ghana, Eyes Trade Boost with Africa

The official opening of the Ukrainian embassy in Accra, on April 12, 2024, was a big step for international relations.

Leaders from both Ukraine and Ghana gathered to celebrate this occasion, highlighting their commitment to cooperation and understanding.

Ukraine’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Middle East and Africa, Dr. MaksymSubh, expressed gratitude for the warm welcome from Ghana and emphasized the embassy's role in strengthening ties between the two countries.

“In opening our resident embassy in Accra, we aim to forge stronger ties between Ukraine and Ghana across various domains, from political engagement to economic collaboration and consular services,” he remarked.

Ukraine's envoy to Africa expressed interest in using the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) to strengthen economic ties between Ukraine and African nations, including Ghana.

He highlighted untapped potential for trade growth and assured that Ukrainian businesses offer high-quality goods at competitive prices.

KwakuAmpra-TwumSarpong, Ghana's Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, reiterated Ghana’s support for Ukraine's sovereignty, especially during its conflict with Russia. He emphasized Ghana’s commitment to upholding global peace and security.

"Our participation in the online International Crimea Platform Summit on 23rd August 2022 underscores our solidarity with Ukraine in addressing the ongoing occupation of Crimea," he stated

The opening of the Ukrainian embassy in Accra not only signifies a physical presence but also marks the beginning of a new phase in diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Ghana.

Both countries share common goals of economic prosperity, mutual cooperation, and peace. This event sets the stage for them to work together closely in various areas.

As the ceremony concluded, delegates from Ukraine and Ghana expressed optimism about the future of their partnership.

They pledged to deepen bilateral ties and explore opportunities for mutual benefit. The inauguration of the embassy symbolizes the commitment of both countries to closer collaboration and friendship.

“However, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has disrupted these trade dynamics, impeding progress towards meaningful strategic outcomes. Despite these challenges, Ghana remains committed to exploring avenues for enhancing bilateral relations once stability is restored in the region," Mr. Sarpong assured.

With the embassy serving as a symbol of friendship and cooperation, Ukraine and Ghana are ready to embark on a journey of mutual prosperity and understanding. This represents a significant milestone in international diplomacy, demonstrating the commitment of both countries to building a more interconnected and harmonious global community.



Thursday, April 11, 2024

“Ignore any increases transport fare increase”- GPRTU

 The Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) and the Ghana Road Transport Coordinating Council (GRTCC) have jointly issued a stern warning against unauthorized fare hikes by specific drivers.

In a press release dated April 11, they emphasized that raising transport fares without proper approval is against the law. They urged passengers to disregard any attempts to implement fare increases.

“It has come to our attention that some sections of Drivers have arbitrarily increased transport fares in contravention of the Administrative Instrument on the review of public transport fares in the country.

“This action is illegal and must be stopped immediately if this is true,” the release endorsed by representatives of Ghana Private Road Transport Union and Ghana Road Transport Coordinating Council read.The GPRTU and the GRTCC have been actively engaging with stakeholders to assess various cost factors and devise a workable solution in light of escalating fuel prices and operating expenses.

“Once consensus is reached, the general public will be duly informed. Therefore, any increase outside the Administrative Instrument, should be disregarded and treated with contempt. We therefore urge commuters not to pay any fare outside the existing fares,” stated the Unions in a jointly signed press release by Godfred Abulbire and Emmanuel Yeboah.

The press release disclosed that the two transport organizations presented their demands during a meeting with the Ministry of Transport on April 10, 2024. Until an agreement is reached and officially announced, the current fares remain unchanged.

“As leadership, we have followed with keen interest, the recent adjustment in the fuel prices and other related operational cost. We are currently engaging stakeholders to give consideration to the various cost component and agree on the way forward. As has been the practice, the leadership met with the Ministry of Transport on Wednesday 10. April, 2024 to present our demands.

We are by this statement, urging the Regional Administrations, Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies and the Station Welfare committees to ensure compliance to the existing fares as no such decision has been taken regarding any fare increment. We also want to urge all drivers to abide by this directive and have confidence in the leadership. We will continue to push for welfare of transport operators,” concluded the release.


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Funny Face Gets GHC120,00 Bail

 Popular Ghanaian comedian, Benson Nana Yaw Oduro Boateng who goes by the stage name Funny Face, has been granted bail in the amount of GH¢120,000 with two sureties by the Kasoa District Court on Tuesday, April 9, 2024.

The incident occurred on Sunday, March 24, 2024, when the comedian was involved in a gory accident on the Kasoa-Nyanyano Kakraba highway at the Kakraba Junction.

He knocked down three pedestrians, causing severe injuries, and subsequently crashed into two motorcycles, injuring the riders as well.As a result of these incidents, he was remanded into police custody on Tuesday, March 26.Funny Face faced charges of drunk driving and careless driving in relation to the accident. Initially denied bail, he remained in police custody for two weeks before eventually being granted bail.

Presently, two of the victims are receiving treatment at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, while two others continue to be treated at the Mother and Child Hospital in Kasoa.

Following the recent court hearing on April 9, it was reported that four of the victims have been discharged from the hospital, while one victim who was in critical condition at the time of the accident is now recuperating.

Funny Face will be released from custody upon meeting the bail conditions, pending further legal proceedings.

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NPA Responds to ACEP; Ensures Competition and Consumer Protection

 The National Petroleum Authority (NPA) has issued a response to concerns raised by the Africa Centre for Energy Policy (ACEP) regarding its recent decision to implement a price floor for petroleum products, effective from April 16, 2024.

The Authority has noted ACEP’s main concerns about the price floors is that it “discourages competition and punishes consumers at the pump”.

ACEP's concerns stem from not having enough information about why the price floors were set and how they were decided.

In a press release, the NPA clarified that the introduction of the price floor is aimed at tackling issues associated with unhealthy price competition among Petroleum Service Providers (PSPs) and ensuring the long-term sustainability of the petroleum downstream industry.

According to the NPA, the decision to establish price floors followed a comprehensive assessment and consultations with various stakeholders within the industry.

 The primary objective is to safeguard the interests of both consumers and PSPs by ensuring that essential costs such as fixed costs, taxes, levies, and statutory margins are adequately covered.

Contrary to concerns raised by ACEP, the NPA emphasized that the implementation of price floors will not impede competition among PSPs nor lead to inflated prices for consumers.

 PSPs will retain the autonomy to determine their profit margins, in line with the existing price deregulation policy. The NPA assured that price fluctuations will continue to reflect the competitive dynamics of the industry.

In a bid to enhance transparency, the NPA pledged to publish the price floors before each pricing window for public reference.

 Additionally, the Authority underscored existing measures such as the Petroleum Product Marking Scheme and Electronic Cargo Tracking System to combat challenges like the proliferation of illicit products and tax evasion.

The introduction of the price floor is part of the NPA’s Amended Pricing Guidelines, which were rolled out on April 1, 2024.

Despite concerns expressed by industry stakeholders like the Chamber of Bulk Oil Distributors and the Chamber of Petroleum Consumers, the NPA maintains confidence that the policy will align with industry expectations and bolster the sustainability of the petroleum downstream sector.

As the implementation date approaches, the NPA reiterated its commitment to addressing any outstanding concerns and ensuring a seamless transition for all stakeholders involved.


Sunday, April 7, 2024

Stolen penis gang arrested… police storm court over false claims

 The Ghana Police Service has taken decisive action against a disturbing trend of false claims regarding the disappearance of genitals, arresting nine (9) persons across the country.

The alleged disappearance of individual genitals which have sparked fear and panic among the public and this drew the attention of the police service. After thorough investigations, including medical examinations, it was disclosed that all the claims are false.

Disclosing the information through a press statement on Sunday, April 7th 2024, the police issued a stern warning against such criminal conduct.

“We wish to caution the public against such criminal conduct that is likely to harm innocent people as well as disturb the public peace.” They stated.

According to a press release, nine individuals have been apprehended across the country for spreading false news about the disappearance of their genitals.

The arrests were carried out in different regions of Ghana. Notably, six individuals were detained in Kasoa, with additional arrests in Ashaiman and Nkawkaw.

Out of the nine individuals arrested, five have already been brought before the court. Of these, three have been remanded into police custody, while two have been granted bail. The remaining individuals are currently under police inquiry bail and will soon face legal proceedings.

In light of these developments, the Ghana Police Service urges the public to refrain from engaging in or spreading false information that could endanger the safety and well-being of innocent individuals.

Read the full press release below:



  1. The Ghana Police Service has arrested nine (9) persons across the country for Publication of False News regarding the alleged disappearance of their genitals that led to fear and panic among the public and attacks on innocent citizens. Police investigations, including medical examinations, disclosed that all the claims are false.
  2. Six persons have been arrested in Kasoa, in the Central Region, two in Ashaiman, in the Greater Accra Region, and another in Nkawkaw, in the Eastern Region, for making such false claims of missing genitals. Five (5) have been arraigned before court with three (3) remanded into Police custody and two granted bail. The rest are on Police inquiry bail and would soon be arraigned before court.
  3. The Ghana Police Service notes with concern this increasing trend of persons making false claims of the disappearance of their genitals and blaming innocent bystanders that sometimes lead to mob attacks. We wish to caution the public against such criminal conduct that is likely to harm innocent people as well as disturb the public peace.

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I will scrap useless Sanitation Ministry - Mahama

In a bold and decisive move, John Dramani Mahama, the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress, has stated he would scrap the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources if he becomes president again in 2025.

During a Special Public Lecture held at the Wisconsin International University College in Accra on Wednesday 3rd April, 2024, Mr. Mahama unveiled his plans to dissolve the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources, because according to him it lacks effectiveness has become and  increase on government expenditure.

“We will close down the Ministry of Sanitation; one, to reduce expenditure”. He said.

Mincing no words in his critique of the Ministry of Sanitation, he stated unequivocally, "I don’t see any use" for it.

"The country is dirtier than when there was no Ministry of Sanitation.", Mr. Mahama told his audience.

He proposed a return to a decentralized approach by reverting sanitation responsibilities to the Local Government, a move he believes will not only enhance efficiency but also curb unnecessary spending.

“This country was cleaner when sanitation was under Local Government than as a standalone ministry and we will close that ministry and we will take the sanitation schedule back to Local Government because we want to reduce government expenditure.”

According to him, since the Ministry of Sanitation was created, the country has become dirtier compared to when local governments were in charge of sanitation. He thinks it was better back then.

Also, he wants to make some big changes in the government. He plans to put some ministries like Aviation and Railways together under the Transport Ministry. This will make things work better and save money.

He also wants to combine the Communications and Information ministries to avoid doing the same things twice. He believes this will make the government work smarter and save money too.

"We are going to close them down and send them back to the Transport Ministry".

"We are going to combine Communications and Information again. So, we want to reduce the number of ministries,” he noted.

He says we need to spend our money carefully and invest in things that will really help the people. He wants to make the government smaller and more flexible so it can adapt to what people need.

These ideas might make some people argue, but he believes they are important for making Ghana better. As we get ready for the elections in December 2024, his plans for a more efficient and responsible government could be what many people are looking for.

Meanwhile the Ministry, on its official website pages says its mission is to “formulate and implement policies, plans and programmes for the sustainable management of the nation’s water resources, the provision of safe, adequate and affordable water; provision of environmental sanitation facilities, effective and sustainable management of liquid and solid waste for the well-being of all people living in the country.”

It says the goal of the Ministry is  “to contribute to improvement in the living standards of Ghanaians through increased access to and use of safe water, sanitation and hygiene practices and sustainable management of water resources.”

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Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Public Anger Over Surge In Passport Prices

 Effective immediately, the Foreign Affairs Ministry has revised the prices for passport applications, citing the need to address financial deficits incurred in passport booklet printing.

The standard service now requires applicants to pay ¢500 for a 32-page booklet and ¢644 for a 48-page booklet.

Expedited service demands higher fees, with rates set at ¢700 for a 32-page booklet and ¢800 for a 48-page booklet.

Upon learning about this, Ghanaians voiced their dissatisfaction with the hike.

Last December, Minister Shirley AyorkorBotchwey suggested to Parliament's Committee on Subsidiary Legislation that they should look at the passport fees again. She wanted to do this to help the ministry stop losing money when printing passport booklets.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs said, “It is time for Ghanaians to pay realistic prices for passports they acquire to travel beginning next year.

According to her, due to the financial constraints prevailing in the economy, it had come to a point where it was no longer “sustainable” for the state to continue to subsidise passports.

“Ghanaians pay just about GH¢100 for a passport yet to produce one passport booklet it costs GH¢400 which means that for every passport that an applicant acquires, the government has to put in GH¢300 and this is not sustainable,” she said.

A member of the Parliament's Subsidiary Legislation Committee, speaking anonymously, confirmed the fee hike to Joy News. He clarified that since it was a Regulation, it automatically became law after 21 days without objections.

Passport application charges in other West African countries

The Committee on Foreign Affairs report on the 2024 budget estimates of the ministry states that Ghana's passport fees are $7.7, the lowest in West Africa. A comparison shows that Cameroon charges $180, Guinea $57, Guinea-Bissau $65, Burkina Faso $80, and Nigeria $54.29 for passport services.


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URSULA: Girls-In-ICT Must Be Sustained

  The Minister for Communications and Digitalisation, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, has called for the sustenance of the Girls-In-ICT Initiative - a ...