Wednesday, April 24, 2024

NAWSAC Slams NPP Over Alleged Bribery Attempt

 Nationwide Supporters of Alan Cash (NAWSAC) have issued a damning statement denouncing what they claim to be a failed attempt by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) to use money to influence the youth away from their support for Alan Kyerematen.

In their press release on Monday, April 22nd 2024, NAWSAC alleged that the NPP has resorted to sneaky methods, including monetary inducements, to undermine Kyerematen's candidacy. They describe these actions as indicative of the NPP's desperation and "awful state."

The group has however not produced any evidence to prove their accusations  of bribery against the NPP

Emphasizing the integrity and conviction of the youth within their movement, NAWSAC asserted their unwavering support for Kyerematen's leadership, refusing to compromise their values for the sake of incompetence and corruption.

NAWSAC further criticizes the NPP's purported celebration of using money to sway young voters, dismissing the influence of those allegedly influenced as lacking credibility and genuine support.

Addressing what they refer to as the "stomach political apparatus," NAWSAC condemns the greed and ignorance of those involved in attempts to undermine their movement, asserting that the youth will not be taken for granted by either the NPP or the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

Concluding their statement with a rallying cry for the youth to prevail in this perceived war against corruption and indifference, NAWSAC expresses blessings for Ghana, the Movement for Change, and Alan Kyerematen.

Read full press statement below:



We are aware of the clandestine operations of the New Patriotic Party toundermine the candidature of Alan Kyerematen. This time in a full display of 'monicracy', there have been blatant attempts to use money as a tool to pull young people from the Movement for Change. This is defining of the awful state of the New Patriotic Party who are forced in their panic mode to stoop so low.

Let us emphasize that the true young people of this Revolution cannot be bought. We the youth are convinced in the leadership of Alan Kyerematen and will not trade our integrity and convictions on the altar of incompetence and corruption. The duopoly of NPP and NDC will no longer be allowed to take young people for granted through disgraceful acts of financial inducement rather than providing solutions for Job creation and opportunities for young people.

The depth of intelligence of the NPP has to be questioned as they are celebrating the fact that they have used money to persuade poster sticking and noise making babies to join them. If the NPP thinks they have made any iota of progress then indeed they must be a laughing stock because the babies they claim to have pulled with money, have zero influence at the edge of the gutters of our structures. They don't even have the mettle to convince their own parents much more the Ghanaian voter.

To you, the stomach political apparatus who have been so cheapened by your greed to think your poster sticking and noise making roles are substantive enough to undermine this revolution, we applaud your ignorance.

NPP and NDC shall no longer take the youth for granted. NPP and NDC cannot buy the conscience of young people with their spoils of corruption. The youth shall win this war!

God bless Ghana! God bless the Movement for Change!! God Bless Alan Kyerematen!!!

Signed: Luther-King Junior


+233 244490487

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