Thursday, April 11, 2024

“Ignore any increases transport fare increase”- GPRTU

 The Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) and the Ghana Road Transport Coordinating Council (GRTCC) have jointly issued a stern warning against unauthorized fare hikes by specific drivers.

In a press release dated April 11, they emphasized that raising transport fares without proper approval is against the law. They urged passengers to disregard any attempts to implement fare increases.

“It has come to our attention that some sections of Drivers have arbitrarily increased transport fares in contravention of the Administrative Instrument on the review of public transport fares in the country.

“This action is illegal and must be stopped immediately if this is true,” the release endorsed by representatives of Ghana Private Road Transport Union and Ghana Road Transport Coordinating Council read.The GPRTU and the GRTCC have been actively engaging with stakeholders to assess various cost factors and devise a workable solution in light of escalating fuel prices and operating expenses.

“Once consensus is reached, the general public will be duly informed. Therefore, any increase outside the Administrative Instrument, should be disregarded and treated with contempt. We therefore urge commuters not to pay any fare outside the existing fares,” stated the Unions in a jointly signed press release by Godfred Abulbire and Emmanuel Yeboah.

The press release disclosed that the two transport organizations presented their demands during a meeting with the Ministry of Transport on April 10, 2024. Until an agreement is reached and officially announced, the current fares remain unchanged.

“As leadership, we have followed with keen interest, the recent adjustment in the fuel prices and other related operational cost. We are currently engaging stakeholders to give consideration to the various cost component and agree on the way forward. As has been the practice, the leadership met with the Ministry of Transport on Wednesday 10. April, 2024 to present our demands.

We are by this statement, urging the Regional Administrations, Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies and the Station Welfare committees to ensure compliance to the existing fares as no such decision has been taken regarding any fare increment. We also want to urge all drivers to abide by this directive and have confidence in the leadership. We will continue to push for welfare of transport operators,” concluded the release.


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